Technical Ability

Updated 3 weeks ago

Technical Ability

Items Function
HalvesProjectiles Reduces the projectile shot by half.
MultiplyProjectiles Multiplies the projectile shot by 2.
NoFallDamage Removes unit fall damage.
StandStill Turns unit to stand in one place.
FusionWithRider Instantly fused into one with the rider.
WeaponDoubledRange Doubles all weapons range.
MeleeAddDash Make every melee weapon currently used by the units to dash upon swing in enemy direction.
MeleeAddDissarm Make every melee weapon currently used by the units to disarm enemies on hit.
MeleeAddBlink Make every melee weapon currently had by the units have blink teleportation.
WeaponSwapWhenBelowHalf Make the unit able to swap the current right weapon to the left weapon when the current health is below 50% of max health.
WeaponSwapWhenTargetDistance Make the unit able to swap the current right weapon to the left weapon when the target is close.
AlwaysTansferHP Make all Unit Spawning component transfers current unit health to the unit spawned. (also affects transformation)
NeverShowHealthBar Changes unit to not show the health bar at all.
TransformToRiderWhenTargetFarCondition Make the base unit transform into the Rider unit when the enemy target is close.
TransformToRiderWhenTargetCloseCondition Make the base unit transform into the Rider unit when the enemy target is close.
TransformToRider10SecondsCondition Make the base unit transform into the Rider unit within 10 seconds.
TransformToRiderChronoCondition Make the base unit transform into the Rider unit with Chronomancer's condition.
TransformToRiderDarkKingCondition Make the base unit transform into the Rider unit with the Dark King's condition.
TransformToRiderWhenHealthHalfCondition Make the base unit transform into the Rider unit when health reaches 50% of max health.
TransformToRiderWhenHealthQuarterCondition Make the base unit transform into the Rider unit when health reaches 25% of max health.
AdaptivePirateQueenThrow Pirate Queen's projectile ability but based on the projectile unit throws (random chances for each projectile if it has several different projectiles).
AdaptiveSenseiBurstThrow Sensei's projectile ability but based on the projectile unit throws (random chances for each projectile if it has several different projectiles).