Left Weapon

Updated 4 months ago

Left Weapon

Items Function
DoublesScaleLeftWX Increase Left weapon scale by 50% of current X coordinate scale.
HalfesScaleLeftWX Decrease Left weapon scale by 50% of current X coordinate scale.
DoublesScaleLeftWY Increase Left weapon scale by 50% of current Y coordinate scale.
HalfesScaleLeftWY Decrease Left weapon scale by 50% of current Y coordinate scale.
DoublesScaleLeftWZ Increase Left weapon scale by 50% of current Z coordinate scale.
HalfesScaleLeftWZ Decrease Left weapon scale by 50% of current Z coordinate scale.
DoublesScaleLeftW Increase Left weapon scale by 50% of current scale.
HalfesScaleLeftW Decrease Left weapon scale by 50% of current scale.
NulifyScaleLeftW Nullify the scale of the weapon by multiplying it with 0.
FlipLeftW Flips Left weapon scale by multiplying weapon scale with -1.
RemoveLeftWParticles Removes Left weapons particle.
RemoveLeftWProj Removes Left weapons projectile.